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resistivity curve meaning in Hindi

resistivity curve sentence in Hindi

प्रतिरोधकता वक्र
resistivity    प्रतिरोधकता
curve    टेढ़ी रेखा वक्र
1.It may have been due to unidentified impurities, or more likely an instrument connection problem-only one test on one sample was done ), In fact, in engineering, we usually take the resistivity curve above the Curie point as a straight line.

2.:: : : In the case of iron ( Fe ), a phase change occurs at 1183 K ( from body centred to face centred ), but the Curie point is below this at 1043 K . The resistivity curve follows Worthing's formula accurately ( better than +,-1 % ) with P = 1.768 up to the Curie point then continues with P close to unity up to and past 1183 K . There may be an inflection point at 1183 K but it is difficult to detect in measured data . ( A paper by V E Zinovev & others in the Soviet Journal of Physics in 1972 claimed a slight step at about 1200 K but to my knowlege this hasn't been replicated.

How to say resistivity curve in Hindi and what is the meaning of resistivity curve in Hindi? resistivity curve Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.